Za nami kongres INTO 2024

Ludzie kongresu

Information and Technology Executive, Business & ICT Trusted Advisor

ICT and telco market expert and manager with over 26 years of business experience. Key areas of his work include business and IT transformation, implementation of advanced ICT solutions, cyber security, ICT services.

He was responsible for and developed the aforementioned areas at ABB, PTK Centertel, Telekomunikacja Polska and Orange Poland. Since 2018, he has been working as a trusted advisor with international and Polish companies. Program director of the CIONET Security Excellence Program.

Graduate of the Silesian University of Technology. He received the IFG International Management Diploma (MBA) from the French Institute of Management in 2002 and graduated from the Advanced Management Program of the IESE Business School of the University of Navarra in 2009.

He won the CIO of the Year title in 2010 and was awarded Digital Leader of the Year POLAND in 2016. In 2017, he was a finalist for European CIO of the Year.

Dodano: 21 maj 2024
Opublikował: Press Office

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