Za nami kongres INTO 2024

Ludzie kongresu

President of the City of Jaworzno

He holds a master's degree in economics. He completed postgraduate studies in EU funds management and project management at AGH in Cracow. He also completed postgraduate studies in rhetoric at the Jagiellonian University, UP John Paul II in Cracow.

He was elected as a councilman in 1998 and has been president of Jaworzno since 2002. He was the initiator of the establishment and is the current president of the Jaworzno My City Association. Professionally, he was associated with the power industry. For his contributions to the development of the city, he has been honored with, among others, the Golden Laurel of Skills and Competence, the Knight's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and the Honorary Badge for Merits to Local Government. He has also received numerous state and departmental awards.

Under his leadership, Jaworzno has transformed strongly, resulting in awards in numerous competitions and rankings. Jaworzno was nominated for the “European Urban Road Safety Award” presented by the European Commission. The city was recognized for modernizing road infrastructure so that it promotes increased safety, effectively implementing the ZERO Vision and supporting public transportation. The mayor has for many years supported the development of modern technology, electromobility and energy in Jaworzno, implemented with respect for environmental resources and the safety of residents. In 2023. Jaworzno was the first city in Poland to introduce an urban electric bicycle system for long-term rental.

The Mayor of Jaworzno, while pursuing the goals of energy transition, is cooperating with the Katowice Special Economic Zone and government agencies - resulting in the creation, on his initiative, of the Jaworzno Economic Area - an industrial zone with a strategic economic purpose. For the development of this project, which is important for the city and the region - thanks to the Mayor's efforts, the Municipality received promises for a total of PLN 350 million.

The city is in a very good financial position. Jaworzno's budget for 2024 is the highest ever - revenues are planned at PLN 736.5 million, while expenditures will amount to PLN 799.4 million. Despite large investment projects, a significant portion of funds will also be allocated to pro-social projects and tasks related to education, social welfare, transportation accessibility, municipal management, health, sports and culture. And all this while successively reducing public debt, which will prepare Jaworzno for obtaining more European and government funds. Jaworzno ranks among the top cities in the Silesian province with the lowest debt ratio.

The consistent implementation of activities leading to the launch of the Jaworzno Economic Area is a new chapter in Jaworzno's history as a thriving center of modern and innovative industry. An industry that will bring economic development and future municipal budgets that will respond to the ambitions of Jaworzno residents and position Jaworzno at a higher level.

Privately, he is a fan of blues-rock music and plays electric guitar. He is passionate about collecting minerals and photography.

Dodano: 31 maj 2024
Opublikował: Press Office

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