Za nami kongres INTO 2024

Ludzie kongresu

Chairman of the Committee on Energy and Climate Policy at the National Chamber of Commerce

Herbert Leopold Gabrys, over the years held many responsible state positions. Starting from the early days of the transformation of our economy. Among other things, he was a parliamentarian in the Sejm of the 10th term. He participated in the work of the budget committee and several extraordinary committees. Including in the committee to consider bills related to economic stabilization and systemic changes in the economy. In Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz's Sejm group, he co-authored a package of economic reform laws.

From 1994 to 1997 he served as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Industry and Trade, with responsibility for Mining and Energy. With almost two for mining and the entire period for energy. At that time, he dealt with, among other things:

    co-creating and carrying out the legislative process of the ENERGY LAW.
    carrying out the process of commercialization of Polish electric power entities.
    co-creation of the POLISH ENERGY POLICY until 2010 and beyond.
    co-participation in the creation of the ENERGETIC CARD and the ENERGETIC TREATY
    co-creating a solution to the problem of Long-Term Contracts in the energy sector in Poland.
    economic advisor on energy issues - 2 years in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister and 4 years as above in the office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Minister of Economy

Co-founder and chairman of the Committee on Energy and Climate Policy at the National Chamber of Commerce for more than a dozen years. To this day, he remains active in co-creating specialized judgments and forecasts of the electric power industry in Poland. He is an independent expert.

Dodano: 24 maj 2024
Opublikował: Press Office

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