Za nami kongres INTO 2024

Ludzie kongresu

Vice – President of the GZM Metropolis

He is a Tyszan, graduated from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He has many years of managerial and local government experience. Previously, he worked, among others, as deputy mayor of the City of Tychy (2000-2010), where he supervised the area of investments, municipal services, and environmental protection. He was responsible for the creation and implementation of the country's first Low Emission Reduction Program. He also managed the city companies Agency for Promotion and Economic Development and Tychy TBS. From 2010 to 2015, he was president of Tauron Ciepło, and then vice president of the management board for corporations of the Tauron Polska Energia S.A. group, responsible for strategic and consolidated procurement. He also held several social functions such as Vice President of the Association of Energie Cities Municipalities, an expert of the Parliamentary Committee for Environmental Protection and a member of the Regional Energy Council of the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts.

Dodano: 31 maj 2024
Opublikował: Press Office

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