INTO 2024 Congress is behind us

Event regulations


1. These Rules and Regulations define the general principles of registration and participation in the European Congress of Industry and Energy 2024 (hereinafter referred to as "The Congress”).
2.The European Congress of Industry and Energy 2024 will take place from 3rd to 4th June, 2024, in the form of a conference, panel discussions, workshops, and other accompanying events, at the International Congress Center in Katowice.
3. The Organizer of the European Congress of Industry and Energy 2024 is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice (hereinafter referred to as "the Organizer"), with its registered office at Opolska 15, Katowice 40-084, Tax Identification Number 634-10-06-202, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs and the Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organizations, Foundations, and Independent Public Health Care Institutions, conducted by the Katowice-Wschód District Court in Katowice, VIII Commercial Department of the National Court Register, under registration bumber KRS 0000163418.
4. A Participant is any person who takes part in the Congress and has registered through the online registration form.
5. All information regarding the Congress, Organizers, and registration panel can be found on the website
6. The Organizer reserves the right to change the program and the composition of speakers and panelists of the Congress, and to cancel the Congress itself in case of force majeure or any threat to the life or health of participants. Participants will be informed of such changes through appropriate notices on the website
7. In this regard, Participants have no claims against the Organizer of the Congress.
8. Force majeure includes, in particular: earthquakes, floods, wars, riots, terrorist attacks, revolutions, fires, declared pandemics, epidemics, epidemiological threats, or other announced measures related to preventing, combating, and controlling infectious diseases, orders of state and/or local authorities, transport embargoes, declared general strikes, natural disasters.
9. The Organizer informs that the Congress is not a mass event within the meaning of the Act of 20 March 2009 on the safety of mass events (Journal of Laws of 2009, item 62, as amended).
10. Each Congress Participant is obliged to familiarize themselves with the Congress Regulations before participating and is obligated to comply with them.

1. Registration for the Congress takes place via an online form located at and is conducted by the EVENEA service ( When registering, you must provide all data marked as required in the registration form.
2. Registration will last from 30.04.2024 at 9:00 a.m. to 31.05.2024 at 9:00 a.m. The organizer reserves the right to extend the registration deadline.
3. Filling out the registration form means concluding an agreement with the Organizer to participate in the Congress in accordance with these regulations, accepting the provisions of these Regulations, as well as the obligation to comply with the rules and any other arrangements made between the Participant and the Organizer, and the applicable laws at the place of the Congress's organization.
4. The Participant is obliged to fill out the registration form correctly and in accordance with the actual state of affairs.
5. The Organizer is not responsible for any damages resulting from the entry of incorrect data by the Participant into the registration form.
6. Registration for the Congress is tantamount to consent to the processing of the data provided in the registration form. Detailed information about the rules of processing personal data and your rights can be found in § 7 of these regulations.
7. After registration for the Congress, the Organizer is entitled to verify the applications and confirm, by email, the possibility of participation in the events, both in-person and online. In case of not receiving the confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact via email at
8. The Organizer makes efforts to ensure the security of electronic communication, but cannot guarantee that these transmissions are free from malicious or harmful software. Therefore, Participants are advised to take appropriate steps to check messages for the presence of such computer software. The Organizer is not responsible for any damages caused by malicious or harmful software installed by Participants in connection with receiving electronic communication from the Organizer. The Organizer reserves the right to access the content of any electronic communication that enters or is sent from its electronic systems.
9. The number of participants attending events at the Congress in person depends on the capacity of each congress venue and current legal regulations and guidelines for organizing conference events. Participation in the Congress will be decided based on the order of registrations.
10. Access to online content related to the Congress will only be possible after prior registration for the Congress.

1. Participants are required to familiarize themselves with these Regulations.
2. The Congress may be canceled or interrupted at any time if its commencement or continuation threatens the health or safety of the Participants.

1. Each Congress Participant should behave in a manner consistent with the principles of culture and social norms, and their behavior must not hinder the conduct of the event.
2. Each Congress Participant is obliged to behave in a manner that does not jeopardize safety, comply with the provisions of this Regulations and legal regulations, as well as promptly follow the instructions of security personnel and representatives of the Organizer.
3. Participants are obligated to use the infrastructure and equipment located within the congress venue in a manner consistent with their purpose.
4. A Congress Participant taking part in a discussion must not express themselves in an offensive, provocative, racist manner, or violate the personal rights, religious feelings, and dignity of third parties, nor promote content prohibited by law.
5. During the Congress, the Organizer, Owner, or Operator of the congress venue may conduct photography and video sessions. Participation in the events is equivalent to granting consent to the use of the image of each Participant, Moderators, Speakers, and Exhibitors in informational and promotional materials of the Organizer.
6. Without the Organizer's consent, conducting commercial activities, distributing leaflets and promotional materials, as well as agitation and collections, are prohibited within the congress venue.
7. Participants are prohibited from bringing to the congress venue or possessing:
Weapons, hazardous materials, explosives, pyrotechnics, poisonous substances, fire hazardous materials;
alcoholic beverages, intoxicants or psychoactive substances,
dangerous objects, especially sharp, heavy, hard, glass or metal objects that may pose a danger to participants;
mechanical instruments and devices for producing excessive sounds and noises, and
laser pointers;
containers with gases, corrosive, poisonous or dye substances, and devices for questioning them.
8. In the event of the above-mentioned items being discovered on the congress venue, the Organizer has the right to remove such Participant from the congress venue or allow them to participate in the Congress on the condition of depositing the mentioned items for the duration of the Congress. The decision in this matter belongs to the Organizer..
9. The Organizer may also refuse entry and presence at the Congress to individuals whose behavior may pose a threat to other Congress Participants..
10. If a Congress Participant notices any threat to people or property on the Congress premises, they should:
strictly comply with the instructions of security personnel or representatives of the Organizer;
avoid causing panic;
absolutely do not hinder the access and activities of emergency services.
11. Participants are responsible for covering their own costs of travel to the Congress, parking, accommodation, meals, and insurance related to their participation in the Congress.
12. Minors may be present at the Congress:
a minor under the age of 13 - under the care of a legal representative or other adult person authorized to care for the minor (hereinafter: “Guardian”) and upon presentation of a signed statement by the Guardian on the Guardian's responsibility for the minor, or
a minor between the ages of 13 and 18 - upon presentation of a statement signed by the Guardian
statement of consent to the minor's participation in the Congress.
1. The Participant, in accordance with separate regulations, shall be liable, both civilly and materially, for damages or destruction caused by their fault during the Congress.
2. Participants are obligated to observe safety rules, health and safety regulations, and fire regulations applicable during the Congress and in this scope must comply with the instructions of the Organizer and relevant services, including the Police, Fire Brigade, and medical rescue services.
3. The Organizer is not responsible for valuable items left in the cloakroom of the congress venue.

1. All substantive materials as well as the content of individual speeches and panels, to the maximum extent permitted by copyright law, are the property of the Organizer. For their reproduction, publication, and dissemination, written consent from the Organizer is required.

1. The Administrator of the Participant's personal data is the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice, with its registered office in Katowice (40-084 Katowice, ul. Opolska 15), hereinafter referred to as the "RIG." Contact details of the Administrator: phone: +48 32 781 48 62, email:
2. Your personal data in the form of: name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, name of the
of the company or institution represented and the position held will be processed:
(a) on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO that is, for the purpose of registering and taking part in the
in the Congress to be held on June 3 - 4, 2024 at the International Congress Center in Katowice (hereinafter: the “Event”);
(b) pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) of the RODO for the purpose of sending the CCI newsletter via email
e-mails (in case of consent - signing up for the newsletter in the registration form
registration form);
c) pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) of the RODO for the purpose of marketing its own services, i.e. presenting educational offerings related to RIG's activities, in particular information about other organized scientific events and/or trainings through SMS messages, e-mails as well as snail mail.
3. Your personal data in the form of image will be processed on the basis of Article 6.1 letter a of RODO in connection with Article 81 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights of February 4, 1994, i.e. for the purpose of gratuitous and time-limited use and dissemination by the Regional Chamber of Commerce with its registered office in Katowice, Opolska 15 Street, of your image, in the form of films and digital photographs taken during the Congress in any format and in the following media: websites of RIG, i.e., and in social media in connection with promotional and informational activities of the Organizer.
4. The recipients of your personal data in the form of: name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, name of the company or institution represented and position held will be:
a) the Administrator's employees or persons employed by the Administrator under civil law contracts - on the basis of authorizations granted by the Administrator to
processing personal data on the basis of Article 29 of the RODO;
b) entities cooperating with the Administrator and processing personal data on the basis of a previously concluded agreement of entrustment of personal data processing pursuant to Article 28 RODO;
c) bodies and entities acting on the basis of and for the purposes specified in accordance with generally applicable
applicable laws.
5. The recipients of your personal data in the form of an image will be:
a. social networks such as Facebook/Instagram/Tiktok/LinkedIn/X in connection with the promotional and informational activities of the Organizer;
b. the Administrator's employees or persons employed by the Administrator under the
the basis of civil law contracts - on the basis of authorizations granted by the Administrator to process personal data on the basis of Article 29 RODO; c. entities cooperating with the Administrator and processing personal data on the basis of a previously concluded agreement on entrustment of personal data processing in accordance with Article 28 RODO; d. authorities and entities acting on the basis of and for the purposes specified in accordance with generally applicable laws.
6. Your personal data will be kept until you withdraw your consent or the purpose of the
processing referred to in points 3 and 4. The withdrawal of consent to process personal data does not affect the legality of previous processing of such data on that basis
7. Providing personal data indicated in the registration form is voluntary, but necessary for the purpose of participation in the event.
8. Your expression of consent for the processing of personal data referred to in point 3 in the case of participation in the event in the form of stationary is voluntary, but necessary to achieve the purpose of participation in the event, and the implementation of the right of persons in the absence of consent or the possibility of its withdrawal in relation to personal data in the form of image, processed on this basis would involve the need to use technical and organizational measures, the implementation of which on the part of the Administrator is not possible due to the lack of technical capabilities, hence the Administrator gives the choice of participation in the event in the form indicated above or cancellation of participation in the event.
9. Lack of consent or withdrawal of consent to process personal data for the purposes indicated
in point 3 would involve the use of technical and organizational measures, the implementation of which on the part of the Administrator is not possible due to the lack of technical capabilities, hence it affects the realization of the purpose referred to in point. 2 a.
10. Lack of consent or its withdrawal for the processing of personal data for the purposes indicated
2 b and c shall not affect the processing of personal data for the purpose referred to in item. 2 a.
11. The personal data provided by you, will not be subject to processing
in an automated manner and will not be the basis for automated decision-making, including profiling.
12. The Administrator, in connection with the processing of your personal data for the purpose of registering your participation in the event, will not transfer your personal data to a third country, however, in connection with promotional and informational activities, may transfer your personal data to a third country where the servers of providers such as social networking sites Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, X, among others, which, in accordance with their policies, provide guarantees of a high degree of data protection, and may transfer your personal data to a third country for the use of the open GIS channel on YouTube due to the transnational nature of the YouTube data flow using YouTube's contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and the European Commission's decisions finding an adequate degree of data protection for specific countries in accordance with YouTube's policies at:
13. In connection with the Administrator's processing of your personal data, you have the right to:
a. the right to request access to the content of personal data - Article 15 RODO;
b. the right to request rectification of personal data - Article 16 RODO;
c. the right to request erasure of personal data - Article 17 RODO;
d. the right to request restriction of processing of personal data - Article 18 RODO;
e. the right to object to the processing of personal data - Article 21 RODO;
f. the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time.
Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data does not affect the legality of the
of the previous processing of such data;
g. the right to lodge a complaint to the authority supervising the observance of data protection regulations
of personal data protection, i.e. to the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection 2 Stawki Street, 00- 193 Warsaw, (pursuant to Article 77 of the RODO).

1. By registering on the website, the Participant agrees to comply with these Regulations.
2. Changes to the Regulations are published on the website
3. Matters not regulated by these Regulations are subject to the provisions of the universally applicable law, in particular the Civil Code.
4. Acceptance of the Regulations also constitutes consent to the provisions of the Privacy Policy of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Katowice.
5. The Organizer may record the course of the Congress for documentation purposes or for promotional and advertising purposes. The Organizer may use such recording or photographs, including images of Participants or other persons present at the Congress, without any time or territorial restrictions, without the need to pay a fee for the use of the image, in all fields of exploitation, including those defined in Art. 50 of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights, in particular by recording, reproducing, distributing, and publicly disseminating in a way that allows anyone to access it in a place and at a time of their choosing.
6. he Organizer reserves the right to change the Regulations, with the Participant being notified seven days in advance to the email address provided during registration.
7. The Regulations enter into effect on the date of promulgation - April 12, 2024.

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